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Chief Justice Cushing Chapter, NSDAR
Scituate, Massachusetts
Patriot Ancestors
Bates, Reuben -MA
Bates, Seth-MA
Brayton, James W.-RI
Bryant, Bartholomew -MA
Coffin, Steven-NH
Foster, Elisha -MA
Foster, Obadiah-MA
Gay, Timothy-MA
Graves, John -MA
Griggs, Moses-MA
Hathaway, Daniel-MA
Johnson, Elihu-CT
Litchfield, Daniel-MA
Ludwig, Jacob -ME
Osgood, Andrew-NH
Osgood, Chase-NH
Peabody, Jacob-MA
Quimby, John -NH
Smart, Benjamin-NH
Sallada, Daniel-PA
Thayer, Uriah-MA
Thompkins, James-RI
Van Vleet, George-NY
Wheatley, Leonard-VA
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